Monday, May 27, 2013

" Rasmalai "

I wanted to make something different for our first anniversary as my better-half loves sweets. So I decided to make this soft and melt-in-mouth Rasmalai. I searched different blogs for this recipe but was bit scared about it as I had always heard from people that it is very difficult to make. But it came out so well and was appreciated by everyone. I've minimally adapted from


Paneer - 300 gms
Sugar - 200 gms
Milk - 1 ltr
Saffron - 2 pinch
Pistachios and Almonds- 5 to 6
Cardamom powder -1 pinch


For the thick milk

1. Pour d milk in heavy bottom pan. bring it to a boil and simmer till it reduces to half of its original volume.  Stir every 2 min to avoid sticking at bottom. 

2. Then add 100 gms sugar to it and stir well. Now add the saffron for that wonderful color    
     and keep it aside.

For the Malai balls 

1. Knead paneer like a chapati dough and make small smooth balls n slightly flatten to make    

2. Boil water with the remaining sugar and cardamom powder.When sugar has dissolved and 
     the mixture 
     starts to boil add the discs to the boiling syrup and cook for 5 mins.

3. Discs will almost double in volume so don't put many at a time. 

4. Squeeze the discs slightly and transfer them into the thick milk.

Now its time to decorate it with sliced almonds n pistachios Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving (i made it a day before).


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